I have always tried to have gratitude, and find something good about my challenges. MOST OF THE TIME. I am thankful when my son climbs on the closet shelf and it spills over, because I get to re-organize( I love to re-organize). I am grateful for washers, because there is no way I want to wash clothes by hand. I am grateful there are soccer coaches so I can sit for an hour while my kids run around and get tired, so they can catch up with me (who was tired before we left for soccer).
I am grateful for family members that can help out with my children so I can work, or help out at school, or have a date night with my husband. I am grateful that when my kids get sick there is a doctor that has worked hard to learn how to take care of my little ones. I am even grateful for those sicknesses at times, because it lets me appreciate the health we have.
Like I said, I try to find the good in most things, however that does not mean I do not mumble, grumble, and down right get mad sometimes. However I eventually try to find some good, even if at the time I do not feel that way. For example, when Aaron was sick and at the hospital, I really didn’t find the good. At the time I just thought I couldn’t handle this, I want my baby home, I need to take care of his sister and I just didn’t think it was “fair” or good at all. I now can say, I am grateful for that experience because, it made me realize it could have been much worse. Aaron could have spent months in the hospital and had very serious problems, but instead, he is healthy, happy, and only has some minor speech issues as a result.
When my father passed away I was not very grateful either. I was mad, down right mad, and could not find any good. 12 years later, I still can’t see how it was “good”, or why I should be grateful for this, but I have found that due to this, I now know how precious life is, how we need to tell those we love we love them, and show it daily. We need to make memories now. I sometimes forget this when I’m busy working on work stuff, or cleaning the house. Then I take a minute, remember this moment will not last long, and we are never promised more time. I then put the computer down, cuddle the baby, play the game, or make the snack.
So, although I may not always know to be grateful at the time, I have found there is usually always something you can be grateful for, even if it takes awhile to realize.
What are you all grateful for this Turkey day?
this brought some tears, excellent share.