A seasoned employee

I recently got my yearly review from the hospital. Although there is always room for improvement, my boss sat me down and told me I was a “seasoned” employee. I know what I’m doing and I can help others to learn. I in no means am saying this to brag. The only reason I know how to do my job is because I have had years of practice, being there for 9 years. I have pretty much ran into most situations, and therefore, I have a place to start when a challenge comes up. I don’t know EVERY resource, but I have learned a thing or two and where I may find an answer if I don’t know.

I’m mentioning this because I realized that I have been at that job as long as I have been a mom.Although I feel I am a very “seasoned’ social worker, being able to walk through the door and say, “Yep, I know what I’m doing, and nothing will surprise me today”. Being a mom is a different story. I walk out of the bedroom to a new situation each day. One day my daughter likes yogurt parfait for lunch, the next she hates it. My son will hide under the covers one day and the next he is up with no wake up call and dressed and ready to go early. I never know what is going to happen and even after nine years, there are still surprises, lots and lots of surprises. The biggest one came yesterday. My son who has his ups and downs, had been having lots of downs. I was getting frustrated and feeling like I may need to get some “resources” to deal with him. Unlike work, I have no idea what resources I need or where to find the answer. Then yesterday, even with the hustle and bustle of 2 soccer games, showers, dinner, homework, and bed, he was the perfect child. He listened, he threw no fits, he took his shower, did his chores, asked to say prayer, and was in bed on time! I am not a seasoned mom, even after 9 years. Each day brings new challenges and surprises. I am not sure I will every be as good as this mom thing as I am at the social work thing, but I do know I’ll take a day like yesterday with my son over a 4% raise any day.

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