Today was supposed to be pretty calm and low key. However I remembered I needed to get by TB test at work. So I loaded up the kids and we headed to the hospital. The kids of course wanted to go to the office for candy. We then decided to go meet Dad for lunch. We hadn’t met him for lunch in awhile, so why not?
After that I was determined to finish some chores and get all the bills paid. While I thought the kids were nicely playing together I went to the computer in the other room to look up a bill (since my laptop is broken and I can only seen half the screen). Two minutes later Dylan was screaming. He usually just cries for a minute or two and then is fine. Not today. He screamed, and cried, and screamed some more. He had hit his month and although there was no blood, he lip was very swollen and he was not happy. I gave him some Tylenol and stopped what I was doing to rock him.
His sweet brother and sister both stopped whatever they were doing. Lauren got him ice, and AJ rubbed his arm. They both sat down with him and watched Backyardigans. This may sound like a normal thing to all of you out there, but my older two have not watched this show for years. They were laughing along with the show to get him to laugh.
The bills did not get paid, dinner did not get made, but I know that when it matters these three are going to be there for each other (at least if it is an excuse not to clean their rooms).