October is here!

So September was basically horrible. I ended a chapter of my life very unsure I was making the right decision. I started something new, and I am still learning. I was working very long hours and work was all consuming. I really had my doubts that I had done the right thing.

Now it’s October, I love October. Probably more this year than any other. Despite the little hiccup of being side-swiped by a semi and the darn government shutdown, October has treated me extra good so far. Aaron made the all star team in soccer and his coach-who played in college told him that he needed to stick with it and he had what it took to make it far. That boasted his confidence so much and now he was agreeable to letting me tell his Aunts, Uncles, and Grandma when his game was. I was forbidden before then. Lauren got her Young American Poetry book in the mail, and she was overjoyed! She has decided that she wants to be a teacher AND and author. Today Dylan has made the growth charts and is in the 20% percentile. He will not be a linebacker anytime soon, but the routine visits to check on his growth have stopped-finally!

To top it off, fall break is just around the corner and there will be sleeping in, apple cider, zoo trips, and now an all star soccer game. Not to mention an actual VACATION!

Now October, don’t let me down, I did call you my favorite after all!


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