So last Friday we closed on our house and did not have a new place to move too…what? I know we are crazy. For me it is extremely hard because I like order. I like things to be in place. Right now I can’t even find my coat.
We are set to move again this weekend and then again when our house is finished in March. I figure by the time this is over I will be the biggest expert on moving and packing and De-cluttering there is.
I have to be honest, I did not think I would be sad to leave my old house. Of course all the kids were brought home there, they had their first steps and first words there. They played in the yard there and learned to ride bikes there. I was totally content to making new memories and being in a house we could have birthday parties at and invite friends over. Then my little Dill pickle asked to go to “my house”. It was so hard to explain it to him and I really didn’t think he would even be phased by it. He liked being at “Aunt Mary’s house” but now he wants to go home. He doesn’t understand. I hope it will be easier for him once we are not right next door to our old house.
I also have to admit, I am exhausted and I could not have done all of this moving without the help of my family and good friends. I was overwhelmed at all the support we got and are getting to help us to get something we didn’t think we would ever be able to get-and that is a nice new house to make a home!