Happy Tuesday!

Happy New year! Or as my 2 year old Dylan would say-Happy Tuesday!

We had a lot of first this year. It was the first time that we sold a house, the first time we had to move, and the first time we had to all move in with someone else. It was the first time we all took a road trip to Florida-and I have to say that was my favorite first of all. It was the first time that Dylan-our 2 year old-did not need a pacifier or his mom to go to sleep. It was the first time my daughter Lauren made the Spell Bowl team, and the first time AJ made the all-star soccer team.

For Ellis is was the first time he got hooded when he went to graduation and earned his Masters in Informatics. For me it was the first time I had to quit a job that I loved and say goodbye to some of the best co-workers I have ever had. I also started working full time for the first time since I had my kids. I have to say this full time job has been a hard transition but I know once I finally get the hang of it, it will be good for my family as I can make sure I’m there for all the good firsts 2014 brings.

We did have some not so good parts of 2013, such as having a memorial for a friend that passed away right after Christmas in 2013 and my aunt battling cancer for the second time. Events like these make me realize just how precious each new year is, and how important it is to not dwell on the negative. Here we go 2014-bring on some more firsts-A couple I know we have on the books is having a child in double digits, and a new house!

What firsts do you have planned for this year?

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