what a week!

So I feel like I have so many things going on this week, some good, some really bad, so I thought I would share.

Let’s start with the good. It stopped snowing! I call that a good in my book because that means they will start my house in 13 days officially (weather permitting they say-snow don’t you make me hurt you gringo!)

I had Monday off so I got to spend the day with my 2 year old and I learned he can count to 13 and he does not mind running errands with mom most of the day.

My son also found another passion-wrestling. I’m not sure he is going to be as good at it as soccer or have the same talent, but he loves being able to get out his built up energy on an unsuspecting 7 year old (me on the other hand am a nervous wreck watching it all unfold).

Now the bad, my cousin passed away at the age of 27. It was hard to watch my cousin loose his brother and my uncle and aunt to loose a son. It is very hard to watch a family grieve especially when they are younger and still had a lot to do. I know that I will see him again someday and that he is not suffering, and that is how I find comfort. The good that came out of this, because it’s always best to find something positive, is that I realized that family is important and we need to spend all the time with them that we can.

The other, not so bad in comparison to the previous bad part of my week, is that the school has decided to extend the school day to make up the days. 36 minutes is probably not that long to most people, but to my son it is going to be like adding 2 hours. He is not the kind of kid that likes to sit around. He likes to be up and moving, riding the bus home and adding extra time to his day was rough, so now in order to not have him going extra bonkers after school I will need to pick him up, and with school being later, it is not going to really leave us much time to spend our office time together. I know these things do not sound like a huge deal, and they really aren’t in the long run, but they just put a little damper on my plans (and we all know I am not very good with change).

It is not even the weekend yet and I feel like it should be. Any good or bad news you all want to share?


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