Lunch break

Kids are hilarious. Dylan has been clinging to me lately. I have not had a kid that is so attached to me. I have always worked with kids in some capacity, so each has had to learn to trust in someone else besides me to take care of their needs. But this little guy, he wants me for


Everything! He will not let anyone else do anything for him. I have not been feeling well the last few days, and this morning when we were taking his brother to the bus, he said, “You still sick mama? I want to go park with you,” How can you resist. I starting making work call right away and taking care of issues that had immediate needs so I could pencil in a long lunch. We didn’t have as long as I had planned, but we took an hour and we went to the park. We walked trails, we played on the swings, and on all the animals. We had a great time. I remembered that it is ok to be spontaneous sometimes. It is ok to just take a break. It is ok to not answer the phone sometimes-personal or work (I have to remind myself of this because I almost answered my work phone at 9pm last night).

I only got out my phone to take some pictures of us. We sang our ABC’s, we throw sticks in the stream, and we learned how to climb the jungle gym-like a big boy. We also learned that we both really like malts!

It was only an hour, but in that hour I was able to realize 2 things. 1.  Kids grow up so fast, and I need to find this time to just be in the moment with them more often, 2. For us busy parents out there, whether stay at home, working, homeschool, regular school, whatever the case-just take a break. It goes by way to fast, and an hour lunch break once in a while will be worth it-I promise.


Especially when they say as you are leaving, ” I love you mama, I give you hugs, you my best mama”.


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