Today I have been thinking about the funny things that my kids do that at the time I am not sure are so funny.
First, my daughter, who thinks her fashion sense is superior to any other, dressed in all navy for school today, except for her purple socks and black tennis shoes. Oh and she did her own hair. I wish I had thought to take a picture at the time, but then again, I figured I would save her the embarrassment of me showing it during her teenage years.
Second my baby, Dylan, thinks it is hilarious to climb to places he should not be, and then when caught, just smiles and giggles, so of course so do I. Then last night he found his brother’s red washable markers. When I panicked thinking he had been cut or burned, he laughed hysterically at me, as I tried to remove the washable marker that clearly was not.
And last but certainly not least, my son Aaron. Oh Aaron how I love him. When he was asked if his mom was pretty he paused, and then replied, “Well she makes pretty things.”
Yes you do.