A very good week-END.

I can’t say that this week was all that awesome. My almost 2 year old has mastered the word “NO”. He won’t talk very much, but that word is certainly top on his list of words you can understand. He has also started the scream at the top of your lungs in public routine, just to see what I will do. Luckily for me, he is my 3rd child, so I know the drill.

This brings me to my thought of the week. Awhile ago a friend of mine posted that even though she is with her kids all day teaching them and nurturing them, when she left to go on errands, they all had to run to give her a hug before she left. I thought to myself at that moment that I wished that was me. My kids never do that, nor do they care when I come and go. I became sad because I thought this was a result of me working and not being as close to them as I wanted. Since that post I thought about it all the time. I was worried that I would never bond with my daughter like other moms. I did not have much in common with her, and had no patience for all the arts and crafts she liked to do. We have very separate tastes in shows and clothes, and I think she is already smarter than I am. Aaron stopped giving me hugs years ago, and hardly ever will talk or have a conversation with me. So as you can see, I have a lot to worry about and this week it seemed to be all-encompassing. That is how Shamrock shakes entered into my life.

However, then Saturday came. We had a busy morning, but then we had nothing planned in the afternoon. Lauren was bored as usual, I decided I would teach her how to play life. We had a wonderful time, and when she asked to play again and again, the laundry got wrinkled, the dishes sat dirty, and dinner stayed uncooked. We were bonding, I taught her something and it was something we could both enjoy together. Yes, we do have a bond, we love games. That night after the kids went to bed, Aaron sneaks out of his room for water. On his way back I gave him the sign language symbol for “I love you”. He paused and then walked towards me, he did not say a word, but gave me a big hug and ran back to his room. He still loves me, he really does.

The best part of my week was tonight, tonight before I left to go to a church meeting, I told the kids I loved them and would not see them until tomorrow, because before I would get home they would be spending the night with Grandma. Aaron was first, he ran and hugged me goodbye, then Lauren, and then Dylan.

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1 comment

  1. u r an awesome mom, a totally remarkable daughter & I don’t know how to love u more than I already do. U make being a mom one of the best choices I ever made. The first choice was marrying your Dad and the third best decision was having John, then the best thin thing was joining the church. I think I’m extremely blessed. I love u so much!

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