St. Patrick’s day has always been one of my favorites, even though I am not Irish, (despite the red hair) I’m not Catholic, and I don’t drink. So why my is it one of my favorites? Well, I’ll tell you. I love green, so any holiday where green is everywhere is not wrong in my… Continue reading Luck of the Irish
Author: kelli
Thank you strep throat
Today the boys and I took a field trip to the doctor’s office. The doctor comes in with the laptop, but since we had been coming so long, she also has to go get the paper chart. When she comes back for the second time with the chart, she says, she was having some trouble… Continue reading Thank you strep throat
They’re like cats!
You know how cats can sense when you are allergic to them and will rub all over you and sit on you? Well I have found out that my kids are the same way. I have been having a lot of headaches lately, and I think they are mostly stress related, but migraines run in… Continue reading They’re like cats!
what a week!
So I feel like I have so many things going on this week, some good, some really bad, so I thought I would share. Let’s start with the good. It stopped snowing! I call that a good in my book because that means they will start my house in 13 days officially (weather permitting they… Continue reading what a week!
Happy Birthday AJ!
I have to take a minute to say thank you to my son for making me a mother to a son. I am blessed to have both boys and a girl and I can say that without him showing me how to be patient and think outside the box I do not think I could… Continue reading Happy Birthday AJ!
I told you!
You know when you say a phrase way to much when you 2 year old goes around saying, “I told you” over and over again. You also know that you are probably not setting the best example when your 2 year old asks to put his PJ’s on at 3pm and when you ask why… Continue reading I told you!
Office time
I still miss my job at the hospital all the time, however this week I was reminded just how glad I am that I decided to make the change. I still haven’t figured out how to work my schedule out to where I have home office days when the kids are off school, but I’m… Continue reading Office time
Reason chocolate was invented
I have to let you in on a little secret-parenting is HARD. It is probably the single hardest thing I have ever done, and I have a Master’s Degree and have seen the eye of a tornado from the inside. I am not complaining, I love those kids more than life itself, especially when your… Continue reading Reason chocolate was invented
My Dylan
I love the baby stage, it is the best, they cuddle they smile, they have yet to learn how to defy you or talk back. I have kind of been missing the baby stage. Just so you know when this happens to you-make sure you surround yourself with friends that have cute cuddly babies and… Continue reading My Dylan
Back in the groove
So yesterday it was back to business as usual for the Gary house. No snow storms or other calamities to stop the hustle and bustle. It was back to getting up early, packing lunches, signing reading logs, and of course work, laundry errands and such. My day did not start out so well, I had… Continue reading Back in the groove