Back in the groove

So yesterday it was back to business as usual for the Gary house. No snow storms or other calamities to stop the hustle and bustle. It was back to getting up early, packing lunches, signing reading logs, and of course work, laundry errands and such.

My day did not start out so well, I had lots to do for work-including another trip to the store to make exchanges, but no complaints-it was not snowing and relatively warm out. So when I step out of my room in order to wake up the second child I tripped and fell and of course hurt my lower back. Then we couldn’t find my son’s shoe and therefore missed the bus. I had to take him to school which made me late for work. I was feeling irritated and already behind for the day. I was not liking getting back in the groove at all, I wanted the kids home even though it had made my normal routine very difficult. Then as I was pulling up to let AJ out of the car I hear this, ” I miss you AJ, come back”.

It was the cutest thing ever and after we pulled away my 2 year old kept insisting we go get him. I reassured him that I would let him come with me to get the kids from the bus later that day and told him he would still have a good day even if AJ was not with him. He finally said ok and we went on with the day. At that moment, I realized I was not the only one that was not happy to be back in the groove. As promised he got to go with me to the bus stop, and something that I have never experienced yet happened-I saw that my kids actually missed each other!


So fellow sNOw Schoolers, how did you adjust to getting back in the groove?


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