Don’t judge

I am pretty sure that some people will not like this post, but that’s ok, I’m also pretty sure that maybe only 5 people read it anyway, haha. Ok, so it’s probably true, but don’t burst my bubble. Ok, here it goes. I have heard a lot about people being judged lately. I have also realized that since I have been a mom for 10 years now, I think I can safely say, being judged as a parent frankly stinks. We try our best and sometimes we listen to others instead of ourselves or our children and try to do what outsiders feel is best.

So what if your kids wants to go to the store in a pink tutu or a Buzz Lighyear PJ set? If it lets you get the groceries in order to feed them a healthy meal, so what? So what if they are screaming because you would not give in to their demand of candy at the checkout, don’t leave and come back, let those people starring and judging come back if it bothers them so much. Trust your own judgement and make sure you are doing what you feel is best. It can be easier said then done, but I feel that if we could all just stop judging and just help each other that would go a whole lot farther.

I recently had an experience where I was having a difficult time with my child-in public, and a woman came up and told me how cute my child was, smiled, and said she thinks I deserve a nap. No judgement, at least not too my face, and it helped me to calm down myself and finish the task at hand, which was to get my kids safely out the door to the car. I wish everyone could follow this example and think first to help, instead of to judge.

Ok, rant over, I promise to keep these to a minimum…. my 5 readers out there!

Categorized as Blog


  1. I completely agree with you on this subject! I used to be that person though… “When I have kids I’ll never let them _____” HA! yeah… There’s no way to really control them, especially in public! And how cruel is it of stores and advertisers to put candy and gum and junk food in the check-out lane??

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