germs, germs and more germs

December has not been too kind to us here at the Gary house. My son had a rash which turned out to be Fifth’s Disease. A virus that was contagious before the rash, and once you have the rash you are fine. The rash looks bad, but was harmless once it appears. My daughter then had a sinus infection and then got the rash as well. Surprisingly Dylan has been healthy so far other than a couple days of stomach flu. I got the stomach flu and now have the rash. Sigh.

I have to say I am now sympathetic to my daughter who complained for 2 days she had a horrible headache. I think this was a side effect of the rash because I now also have a horrible headache that medicine does not seem to help. Up side, I am not contagious!

I am refusing to let all this illness ruin December. There are treats to make, presents to wrap, and family gatherings to attend. No germs, you are not going to kill my Christmas Spirit, but you may force me to take Benadryl and go to bed early!

And this is how Dylan feels about the whole thing:

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