Happy Birthday Dad

For the past 12 years today has not been my favorite day. It was my dad’s birthday. Each year I am reminded it is another year he is not around and another year we have to miss him. I found that the first couple of years on this day I could not function. I found I needed to plan nothing, do nothing, but try to get through it. We started a tradition of getting together as a family that day, remembering him and having one of his favorite meals. For the first year we went to a fancy restaurant, however the years after we found that pizza was a better option, and his favorite food, well that and milk.

Over the years that tradition has comforted me. I know that my dad is not forgotten, and that my kids now know a little bit about my dad. They enjoy his birthday-almost as much as Christmas because I let them open one present-and I know that is what my dad would do too. If he was here he would probably let them open 3 presents! Today my son woke up and the first thing he said is, “is it Grandpa’s birthday? Do we get to open a present?” Instead of the dread, I felt happy. I felt peace that my kids are excited about this day. I know that today I will still feel sad, alone, hurt, angry. But I will also feel a little peace that I know that I will see him again one day, and that I have successfully helped my kids to know their grandpa even though they have never met him.

Today I think of even more than myself. I think of all those that have lost someone and I just hope that they are able to find a bit of peace or tradition of their own that will help them when they feel loss. Happy Birthday Dad,I love you!

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  1. Kelly, your dad was a one in a million and I remember the times we spent with him very well. Jim was always so knowledgable about anything and everything-just ask him for advice and it was always right on. Straight forward was his way and you always knew where you stood wtih him..never had to guess where you stood with Jim Taylor. Your dad loved his family so much and always knew how to explain things so you could understand them. When it came to you kids-he never seemed to get excited and always spoke in a quiet manner, Very good memories and lots of good times!!

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