Hard work

When I was a teenager I went on an all day canoe trip, I was never so sore or exhausted in all my life physically. Until last weekend.

Recently we decided to put the house back on the market again. We did this a year ago and didn’t have any success, so we had debated on even trying again. Last weekend we spent the whole time cleaning and scrubbing every little blemish so that the house looks as best it can. We painted doors, and planted flowers. Lauren worked just as hard as the adults and a sense of pride set in as she worked just like my dad had taught me, you don’t stop until it’s done.

We completed our task and we got it listed. And now we wait. No calls yet, but we are hopeful that we will be successful this time and be able to move to a house that will be closer to school for the kids (that is if they still get to go to that school, side note, I am at a memory loss if I completed the paper needed for them to still go there, and we have been unable to reach anyone at the school to find out for sure). Ok where was I, oh yes, selling our house.

Now it is back to daily cleaning, picking up, making beds, taking out trash, and cringing every time someone walks on the kitchen floor or eats a snack.On the 4th of July we made a fire in the back yard and roasted marshmallows, lit some fireworks, talked to neighbors and watched fireworks two houses down all from our back yard. In that moment I was a little sad that this may be the last holiday we spend in the only home my kids have known but at the same time, a little anxious to move on to new memories.


Hopefully in the case of selling our home, it will only take two times to be the charm, I’m not sure I can do this a third time!


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