I am somewhat in disbelief that my baby is 2 today. I know everyone says this and they say it goes by so fast. However I can’t believe he is two because to me he is still a baby. He is only 22 pounds, so I can say he still feels like a baby when you pick him up. He still likes to cuddle and still loves a nap. However I can see the toddler in him too. He climbs on everything, gets into everything, and can’t see why he is not as big as his siblings and can’t sit in the big booster seat.
Of course it is not hard to remember his actual birthday. Our c-section got postponed and we had several hours to just anticipate his arrival. During that time we got some much needed help picking out names. Once he arrived I quickly knew he would have similarities to his siblings as well as differences. He had to go to the nursery and this time I was ready for this. I was not scared, or upset, or nervous. His brother prepared me for the nursery and the early separation from him. I was prepared and knew, this was my chance to SLEEP! It was going to be awhile before that happened again.
The ways he is different and I was not prepared for at all was how much he watches and understands. He wants to do everything his older brother and sister do. He has no idea he can’t play the xbox, or fix his own food, or drink out of a big cup. He tries, but gets very upset when he fails.
My baby is 2 today, so I look and see no more diapers, sippy cups, pacifiers, or rocking to sleep in my near future. But today I am just glad he is part of our little family as he has brought so much joy to our lives. We love you Dill. Happy Birthday!
Y you are such a good writer. I love all your journal accounts of your life and especially the G-kids