You know when you say a phrase way to much when you 2 year old goes around saying, “I told you” over and over again. You also know that you are probably not setting the best example when your 2 year old asks to put his PJ’s on at 3pm and when you ask why he says, ‘Cause we not go anywhere”. I blame the weather for that one.
Now seriously, this post is dedicated to good news. I need good news people. I do not want to focus on all the yuck blah that I have been feeling and thinking lately. It has gotten to the point that I can’t sleep because when I do finally stop for the day I am consumed by all the negative things. I need some positive. So here is the post where I ask you to let me know what is going on with you that is funny, good, or just plain happy.
I’ll start, I have the most amazing people in my life and I am amazed daily by the amount of people I can think of that I know that do not judge me or fault me for my shortcomings, but offer support and help and love. And in return I”m starting to learn to accept that and appreciate that. Ok, your turn, and go…..