Let’s play catch up

Ok, so a lot has happened it just a short week and a half. I feel like I have gone non stop at 100 miles an hour. I have to admit, at times I think to myself, Self, you really could handle another child. Then a week like this week happens and I realize, if I had another kid I would have even MORE to do.

In the past two weeks I can count on one hand the number of evenings we had free. We have had activities every single day of the week, and although I’m so glad the kids have activities that they like and that give them incentives to keep their things picked up and their homework done, I long for a quiet evening at home. We have to divide and conquer all the time. We have that down to a science and know what combination of kids and adults works the best. I kind of miss the days when we could all go to the same event at the same time.

So I’m sure there are awesome parents out there that can juggle it all and fit it all in, but I am not one of them. I am grateful for technology that allows me to video a child’s speech so a parent that is at soccer can still see it. And for pictures to capture new adventures that the other parent misses. What do you do with 3? I am still freaking out about how to put Dylan’s future activities in the mix as I am already having chest tightening over my current schedule! Deep breath, deep breath…….

Here’s some pics of what has gone on these past couple weeks:


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1 comment

  1. Kelli, I’m so blessed that as your father’s daughter, you have reached a logical place in your life and understand we all have limitations. I think you are a wonderful mom and daughter. I love you so much and u make me happy!

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