St. Patrick’s day has always been one of my favorites, even though I am not Irish, (despite the red hair) I’m not Catholic, and I don’t drink. So why my is it one of my favorites? Well, I’ll tell you.
I love green, so any holiday where green is everywhere is not wrong in my book, it’s also a reason to trick my kids into eating green foods they would usually not eat, and more importantly, good things usually happen to me on St. Patty’s day.
This St. Patrick’s day had not started out so good. I realized that I can’t have a big green meal and treats because it is my night to work late at the office, so everyone is all different directions. Then my son-who LOVED the color green a week ago, refused to wear green today and said he didn’t care if he got pinched, (his dad had the same response). I also started off the day with a phone call before 8am, and usually my phone does not ring until way after 9am, and you know that is usually a sign that your day will be busier than normal.
However, I received a call that my house was actually being started! They were on the job site and were digging footers as he was talking to me. Hurray! See St. Patrick’s Day never lets me down! And who cares if I can’t make a big Irish dinner tonight, we got to go to Sunday Family dinner last night for the first time in months and we had corned beef and cabbage, and much needed family hugs and chats!
What luck do you all have on St. Patty’s day?