My baby is 3 today. When I was pregnant for the 3rd time I was not scared or nervous. I had done this before. I knew the drill. I knew that he may be like his sister and sleep through the night at 8 weeks, or he could be like his brother and always eat and never sleep, and cry most of the time. I knew that I would not sleep either way, and I already didn’t, so it didn’t matter. I loved being a mom, and I already loved him.
What I didn’t know was that he would actually look like me for once and people would believe he was mine. I didn’t know just how kind and gentle he would actually be. I did not know how completely in love I would be all over again. I didn’t know it would seem like he had always been a part of our family.
Happy Birthday my Dill Pickle, happy birthday to you!
Love this journal entry. What a good mom you are my lovely daughter.