Today I put a post on FB that my morning starting with my 6 year old, AJ asking me if I liked him, and if I did truly like him I should know what he likes to eat. I passed the test. Then tonight he asked me if I loved him. I said of course. He said, then what do I like to do. I said watch football, play soccer and Xbox. He said, “Um you forgot I like to ride rides”. That kid, I better start keeping a list of all the things he likes so I will keep passing these tests.
Then tonight we had “green eggs and ham (well bacon)” and we talked about the book and how trying new things is good. He said, “well sometimes you have to think before you do new things mom. Remember the time I took the stuffed animal and rode it down Grandma’s stairs? That wasn’t such a good idea, because I got hurt. So see new things is not always good.” How do you argue with that?
I saved the best for last. Just before bed, he said, “Mom, I know how to spell POOP, P-O-O-P. Yep, that is right. He said I have no idea why they won’t let you spell bathroom words at school. He said you can only spell BUT, not BUTT. He said, that doesn’t make any sense, you have to know how to spell both of them!
Point taken, AJ, point taken!
And this is Uncle John and AJ creating their own way to eat their meat!