I have to get a little sappy for this one. Today my second child had a kindergarten graduation. When Lauren graduated kindergarten I have to be honest, I was sort of thinking, what is the big deal? She did not struggle, in fact she was very ready for all day school and learning to read and write and do math. She had 2 long years of pre-school where things came easy and she learned quickly. She was ready to get on with the show.
When it was AJ’s turn for the big K, I got it. I really got it. I could not believe I was sending him off to school all day. I had no idea how the teacher was going to survive. He did not like to sit, he did not like to learn, he did not even like to talk. He was so little and seemed not ready for school at all. I was a nervous wreck for a few weeks. I wondered how he would do and if he would be behind the other kids. Surprisingly he never had a note sent home about is behavior. He starting getting stickers for the end of the day after just a few weeks. He was meeting his expectations and his first meeting with the teacher she said he was shy but was a hard worker. I could not believe it. He even testing into above average work in some areas.
I can take no credit for this at all. I could barely get him to listen to a book for 20 minutes each day, let alone get him to practice math or writing. All of his success this year is a direct reflection on his teachers and how great they are at getting kids to learn. I would like to dedicate this post to all the teachers, home school included on how great they are at their jobs. I will never be able to do what they can do to help instill a desire to learn!