Oh the memories

You remember when I got a new house? It was glorious. I had clean everything and no marks or scratches, it was fantastic. Then Monday my son decided that my house was just too awesome and he totally flooded the downstairs. I cried, he laughed, my husband sucked up water.

It’s now Friday and we still have the downstairs in shambles. It’s frankly disheartening. I could not have anticipated that would happen, but I still feel solely responsible for my pretty new house to be a pretty big mess. On top of that, anytime you are dealing with these type of things there is always an unexpected cost involved. So for us, it means telling the kids no to certain things and maybe next year to others. I pretty much have felt sorry for myself all week. I have found excuses for being down and that I “deserved” to be upset.

However I also remember times things were “really” not great. I remember the loss of family, the times when I didn’t even have the money for a hot dog, let alone a dehumidifier or whatever it is. I remember that before I took my new job, there would be no way I could have fit, ‘sucking up water” into my daily to do list. I will now always remember the time that Dylan flooded the downstairs of the house right after we moved in, and the time he drew all over his brother’s room. I kept saying the house did not feel like home, and well, memories to me are something that makes a house a home. So I am going to stop feeling sorry for myself and realize that one day, one day, we will be looking back on this and laughing.

Take this lesson people, be careful what you wish for, you never know how your wish may come true.

IMG_5014IMG_4990(at least he’s cute, right???)


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