I have to let you in on a little secret-parenting is HARD. It is probably the single hardest thing I have ever done, and I have a Master’s Degree and have seen the eye of a tornado from the inside.
I am not complaining, I love those kids more than life itself, especially when your 2 year old tells you that you are his favorite person and pulls your head close to his. I also love those rare moments that your 6 year old wants to cuddle and be close. And when your newly 10 year old connects with you for a brief moment and follows directions.
However, there are days, weeks, and who am I kidding months where I don’t feel enough. I question every decision, have sleepless nights researching techniques and strategies to do better. I am constantly thinking about them, switching jobs so that I can still support them and their growing financial needs as well as have the time to be their for them and be home to do homework or with them when they are sick, and at the same time make sure I have time for the 2 year old that still wants me around all the time.
Like I said people, this is HARD, it is not for the faint of heart, however I have decided that as long as they do not ever run out of chocolate or pizza I just may get through the next 20 or so years. What do you all do when you have HARD days?