Spring break?

The kids are on Spring Break for 2 weeks. So far I have played 5 board games, made 3 meals, done 5 loads of laundry, done dishes, cleaned the kitchen, vacuumed, read a book to the kids, watched a movie with the kids, cuddled a teething toddler, and I also made some work calls, and TOOK A SHOWER!

That was just the first day. I love having the kids home, and I love that they helped me to get things done as well. I loved watching Lauren help her baby brother get a drink without being asked, and helping Aaron to complete his writing homework. I loved seeing how happy Dylan was that he had his big brother and sister home with him all day.

Now don’t get me wrong, although I have had a pretty good time with the kids, I am exhausted after only one day! I think I’m glad they are only off for two weeks!

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