there apparently is a limit

Ok, so for those that know me at all, you know I not a fan of surprises. I am not spontaneous at all. I like to have a plan. When things happen that are not planned it is very hard for me to adjust. You would think at some point in my 30 some years I would have to learn to be flexible. I have to some degree, but even my kids spoiled me by needing to come by c-section, so I knew exactly when it was going to happen. NO surprises.

However, I think I have found myself a little in over my head with this whole selling a house thing. I have not had any showings for a couple weeks, but every time my phone goes off I get small chest spasms wondering if I will have to scurry and have the house in order. I hav eno idea when or if it will sell, and if it does, I am still not certain where we will live. These unknowns are getting to this type A personality girl. Between this and the day to day, I am found out there is a limit to the amount of stress you can handle. I looked up the physical symptoms of stress and I have ALL of them.

So today I threw caution to the wind and spend a whole $20 on myself. I didn’t think about what else we could spend it on (ok so I did but only for a second).

What do you do when you reach your stress limit?

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